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ADM Soccer Club

ADM Soccer Club

Code of Conduct

The ADMSC is proud of our players and teams and appreciates the passion of our parents and spectators and their enthusiasm for the game of soccer.  In an effort to encourage appropriate and productive sideline behavior, and therefore showcase the performance of our athletes both on and off the field, we've set forth the following standards of conduct before, during and after matches:

  • Take a position on the opposite half of the field from the opponent's supporters.
  • Do not address negative remarks to referees, opposing players or fans.  Please do feel comfortable addressing them with remarks that convey encouragement.
  • Never use foul/abusive language or obscene gesture.
  • Do not make negative remarks towards your own team players that make mistakes.  This is the job of the coach.  If you're aware of the error, the player is likely aware.
  • Applaud superior play by both teams.
  • Give consistent support to coaches and managers, whether winning or losing.  The volunteer coaches contribute many hours to their players and are committed to their continued improvement.  In winning, they deserve your congratulations, in losing, your encouragement.
  • Always stay at least 3 yards away from the playing field.
  • Cooperate immediately with any referee requests.
  • Do not address referees or officials at any time.
  • Avoid comments and gestures that express disagreement with referee calls.

Persons who fail to conduct themselves in the above manner may suffer the following consequences: 

  • You may be asked to leave the playing area by a member of the officiating crew (referees).  In this case, play will be suspended until you do so. Failure to respond to such a request within 2 minutes will result in a forfeit for the spectator's team.
  • You will be asked to leave the field and/or facility by a representative of the AMDSC.
  • Any individual removed from a game will be required to serve a minimum one game suspension.


We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behavior in the game. This includes the abuse of match officials and the unacceptable behavior of over competitive parents, spectators and coaches on the sideline. Play your part and observe the Code of Conduct in everything you do as a coach for the ADMSC.

On and off the field, I will:

  • Show respect to others involved in the game including officials, opposing players, coaches and spectators.
  • Know and adhere to the laws and the spirit of the game as well as, the policies set forth by the club, state and national associations.
  • Promote Fair Play and high standards of behavior.
  • Always respect the referee's decisions.Never enter the field of play without the referee's permission.
  • Never engage in public criticism of the referees.
  • Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behavior,

When working with players, I will:

  • Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning.
  • Explain exactly what I expect of players and what they can expect from me.
  • Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying.
  • Develop mutual trust and respect with every player to build their self-esteem.
  • Encourage each player to accept responsibility for their own behavior and performance.
  • Ensure all activities I organize are appropriate for the players' age, ability level and maturity.

I understand that if I do not follow the Code of Conduct, any of the following actions may be taken by the ADMSC:

  • I may be required to meet with the club.
  • I may be suspended from attending matches.
  • I may be required to leave the club.


We have a responsibility to promote high standards of behavior in the game.  As a player, you have a big part to play.  That's why the ADMSC is asking every player to follow a Code of Conduct revolving around respect.  

When playing soccer, I will:

  • Know the Laws of the Game of soccer and the rules of the league.
  • Welcome all visitors on behalf of the club.
  • Take responsibility for my sportsmanship and conduct.
  • Show respect and courtesy to coaches, spectators, teammates and opponents at all times.
  • I will try to maintain my composure, and avoid retaliation when fouled.
  • Avoid overly-aggressive play and never play the game in a way that might cause injury to myself or others.
  • Strive to understand the game, become a strong athlete, learn teamwork and display exemplary sportsmanship.
  • Respect the referees by being courteous and maintaining control of my emotions throughout the game.  I will refrain from making comments or gestures about their decisions during play.
  • Show respect to my opponents and the referee after the match.
  • Remember that this is a game to be enjoyed by all who participate.
  • Be humble and gracious in victory, but proud and courteous in defeat. 

Thank you for your participation in our soccer program. We hope to provide a safe, fair and competitive environment for all partipants including players, coaches, spectators and referees.


ADM Soccer Club
P.O. Box 91 
Adel, Iowa 50003

Email: [email protected]

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